National Doctoral Programme in Space Science and Technology

 Managed by the Università di Trento

 The Università d’Annunzio and IRSPS participate in this National Programme with two subjects:

  • 3G – Internal processes and structure of Ganymede in support of the JUICE mission
  • 3H – Planetary geology, exploration and space operations on Mars and the Moon

The National PhD Programme in Space and Science Technology (39th Cycle) is organised by the Università di Trento with a large participation of Italian Universities and Research Centres. The research items from Università d’Annunzio/IRSPS are in the Curriculum 3 Planetary Science.

The list of available Projects is available here.

3G – Internal processes and structure of Ganymede in support of the JUICE mission (Contact prof. Giuseppe Mitri:

3H – Planetary geology, exploration and space operations on Mars and the Moon (Contact Prof. Gian Gabriele Ori.

Deadline July 6th 2023

You can find more general info in the following website:

The online application is available here

Enter: National Doctoral Programme in Space Science and Technology 39th Cycle. Call.